10th Anniversary Garden Party

You are invited to celebrate 10 years of For Rutland - ‘Improving Lives in our Community’.
Please apply by emailing the names of attendees to:- info@forrutland.org.uk
Tickets £30 per person
Please BACS (preferred) the necessary amount to:
Name: Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau
Sort Code: 40-52-40
A/C No: 00032813
Ref: Garden/Your Name
Please note the Bank Account is a Business Account: Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd
For donations via BACS please use Ref: Donation/Name
Please download and complete attached Gift Aid Form and send to:
Finance Officer, Citizens Advice Rutland, 56 High Street, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 6AL
You can also donate through our JustGiving link: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/forrutland10thanniversary/
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Gift Aid Form
Pictures of the garden at Redhill Lodge Barrowden